Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What does the future hold for IEEE 802.22 WRAN

Even thought it has some challenges that require solution before it can get to market, it has many advantages that help it to be realized in the near future. For there is no worldwide uniformity in channelization for TV services, the standard shall accommodate various international TV channel bandwidths of 6, 7 and 8 MHZ. The spectrum where the IEEE 802.22 WRAN will use is already in use by TV services and wireless microphones. This has penalty as interference is unbearable unless a strict compliance is followed on radio emission.  The CR technology becomes handy here in solving the interference problem by spectrum sensing.

The main competitive advantages for the IEEE 802.22 WRAN are free access to the spectrum, very favorable propagation characteristics (large area of coverage and better material penetration) which will induce in reduction of cost, . Since this technology is intended for the rural areas which doesn't have a broadband access, there is no question for market.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Members participating in the development of the 802.22 standard come from a diverse background, which is primarily due to the unique requirement of incumbent protection of the final 802.22 standard. Hence, the key to the success of 802.22 depends not only on representatives from wireless companies but also from the incumbent community. Thus, members of the IEEE 802.22 WG include the more traditional corporations (e.g., Philips, Intel, Motorola, ST Micro, CRC, Samsung, Nokia) as well as delegates from the incumbent world (e.g., Fox, CBS, NAB, MSN, Shure Inc.). 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Spectrum Sensing Technologies

The spectrum sensing  technology has the following roles:

  • Provide spectrum occupancy information to MAC
  • Identify type of incoming signal
  • Fast tracking time to improve data throughput
  • Flexible resolution for adaptive and scaling searching
  • Simple computation for low power
  • Easy implementation for low cos
These functionalities are grouped into four set of categories:

  1. Spectrum sensing - responsible for detecting unused spectrum
    • In order to avoid interference the radio scans the spectrum for free channels. The most efficient way is to detect the primary users of the spectrum.
  2. Spectrum management - responsible for capturing the best spectrum available for the required QoS of communication
    • First analysis is made on the spectrum for interference, path loss, channel holding time etc and then making decisions on which channel to operate
  3. Spectrum mobility - responsible for maintaining seamless communication during spectrum transition by using the channel information exchanges between the BSs and CPEs
  4. Spectrum sharing - responsible for providing fair spectrum scheduling method for sharing the available open spectrum

Frame structure

The current 802.22 draft MAC employs the superframe structure as shown below.
At the beginning of every superframe, the BS sends special preamble and SCH
(superframe control header) through each and every TV channel (up to 3 contiguous)
that can be used for communication and that is guaranteed to meet the incumbent 
protection requirements. CPEs tuned to any of these channels and who synchronizes
and receives the SCH, are able to obtain all the information it needs to associate
with the BS. During the lifetime of a superframe, multiple MAC frames are transmitted
which may span multiple channels and hence can provide better system capacity, range,
multipath diversity, and data rate. Note, however, that for flexibility purposes the MAC
supports CPEs which are capable of operating on a single or multiple channels. During
each MAC frame the BS has the responsibility to manage the upstream and
downstream direction, which may include ordinary data communication, measurement
activities, coexistence procedures, and so on.

Generalized Superframe
The MAC frame structure is shown below. As we can see, a frame is comprised
of two parts: a downstream (DS) subframe and an upstream (US) subframe. The
boundary between these two segments is adaptive, and so the control of the
downstream and upstream capacity can be easily done. The downstream subframe
consists of only one downstream PHY PDU with possible contention intervals for
 coexistence purposes. An upstream subframe consists of contention intervals
scheduled for initialization (e.g., initial ranging), bandwidth request, UCS (Urgent
Coexistence Situation) notification, and possibly coexistence purposes and one 
or multiple upstream PHYPDUs, each transmitted from different CPEs.

Time/frequency structure of a MAC frame

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Media Access Control (MAC) Layer

This layer will be based in Cognitive Radio Technology. It needs to be also able to adapt dynamically to changes in the environment by sensing the spectrum. The MAC layer will consist of two structures: Frame and Superframe. A superframe will be formed by many frames. The superframe will have an SCH (Superframe Control Header) and a preamble. These will be sent by the BS in every channel that it's possible to transmit and not cause interference. When a CPE is turned on, it will sense the spectrum, find out which channels are available and will receive all the needed information to attach to the BS.

Two different types of spectrum measurement will be done by the CPE: in-band and out-of-band. The in-band measurement consists in sensing the actual channel that is being used by the BS and CPE. The out-of-band measurement will consist in sensing the rest of the channels. The MAC layer will perform two different types of sensing in either in-band or out-of-band measurements: fast sensing and fine sensing. Fast sensing will consist in sensing at speeds of under 1ms per channel. This sensing is performed by the CPE and the BS and the BS's will gather all the information and will decide if there is something new to be done. The fine sensing takes more time (approximately 25 ms per channel or more) and it is used based on the outcome of the previous fast sensing mechanism.These sensing mechanisms are primarily used to identify if there is an incumbent transmitting, and if there is a need to avoid interfering with it.

To perform reliable sensing, in the basic operation mode on a single frequency band as described above (the “listenbefore-talk” mode) one has to allocate Quiet Times, in which no data transmission is permitted. Such periodic interruption of data transmission could impair the quality of service (QoS) of cognitive radio systems. This issue is addressed by an alternative operation mode proposed in IEEE 802.22 called Dynamic frequency hopping (DFH) where data transmission of the WRAN systems are performed in parallel with spectrum sensing without any interruption.

Physical Layer (PHY)

The goal of this layer is to provide excellent, yet simple, performance. The PHY layer must be able to adapt to different conditions and also needs to be flexible for jumping from channel to channel without errors in transmission or losing clients (CPEs). This flexibility is also required for being able to dynamically adjust the bandwidth, modulation and coding schemes. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) will be the modulation scheme for transmission in up and downlinks. With OFDMA it will be possible to achieve this fast adaptation needed for the BS's and CPEs. OFDMA is a multi-user version of the Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) digital modulation scheme. Multiple access is achieved in OFDMA by assigning subsets of sub-carrier frequencies to individual CPEs as shown in the illustration below. This allows simultaneous low data rate transmission from several users.

By using just one TV channel the approximate maximum bit rate is 19 Mbit/s at a 30 km distance. The speed and distance achieved is not enough to fulfill the requirements of the standard. The feature Channel Bonding deals with this problem. Channel Bonding enables to use more than one channels for transmission and reception. This allows the system to have higher bandwidth which will be reflected in a better system performance. Failure of one or more of the channels does not lead to data loss, only a longer transmission time. Failure of one or more channels leads to the automatic rerouting of missed packets, without data loss.

Monday, June 6, 2011


The initial drafts of the 802.22 standard specify that the network should operate in a point to multipoint basis (PMP). The system will be formed by base stations (BS) supporting multiple subscriber stations called customer-premises equipment (CPE). The CPEs will be attached to a BS via a wireless link. The BSs will control the medium access for all the CPEs attached to it. The BS is responsible for the media access control, managing distributed sensing and deciding what to do next based on the data collected from the CPEs and neighboring BSs.

For the distributed sensing the CPEs help the base station obtain current radio environment information by scanning the spectrum in their vicinity and reporting the results. The BS, with the information gathered, will evaluate whether a change is necessary in the channel used, or on the contrary, if it should stay transmitting and receiving in the same channel.

802.22 (WRAN) vs 802.16 (WiMAX)

Finally, it is important to understand the core differences between 802.22 and 802.16 (WiMAX) as confusion often arises when discussing these two IEEE projects. Since 802.22 is mostly targeted at rural and remote areas, its coverage range is considerably larger than 802.16 (see Figure 1) to allow for a good business case, and this is why 802.22 is the first standard ever for WRANs. Also, 802.16 does not include incumbent protection techniques necessary to operate in licensed bands, while it has an ongoing project (802.16h) currently concentrating on coexistence among 802.16 systems only.

Figure 1. 802.22 wireless RAN classification as compared to other
popular wireless standards

A little story on IEEE 802.22 WRAN

IEEE 802.22 is a standard for Wireless Regional Area Network (WRAN) using white spaces in the TV frequency spectrum. The development of the IEEE 802.22 WRAN standard is aimed at using cognitive radio (CR) techniques to allow sharing of geographically unused spectrum allocated to the Television Broadcast Service, on a non-interfering basis, to bring broadband access to hard-to-reach, low population density areas, typical of rural environments, and is therefore timely and has the potential for a wide applicability worldwide. It is the first world wide effort to define a standardized air interface based on CR techniques for the opportunistic use of TV television bands on a non-interfering basis.

IEEE 802.22 WRANs are designed to operate in the TV broadcast bands while assuring that no harmful interference is caused to the incumbent operation, i.e., digital TV and analog TV broadcasting, and low power licensed devices such as wireless microphones. The standard was expected to be finalized in the first quarter of 2010. IEEE 802.22 Draft D1 is available and comment resolution is underway. IEEE P802.22.1 is a standard being developed to enhance harmful interference protection for low power licensed devices operating in TV Broadcast Bands. IEEE P802.22.2 is a recommended practice for the installation and deployment of IEEE 802.22 Systems. IEEE 802.22 WG is a working group of IEEE 802 LAN/MAN standards committee which is chartered to write the 802.22 standard. The two 802.22 task groups (TG1 and TG2) are writing 802.22.1 and 802.22.2 respectively.

In response to a Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) issued by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in May 2004, the IEEE 802.22 working group on Wireless Regional Area Networks was formed in October 2004. Its project, formally called as Standard for Wireless Regional Area Networks (WRAN) - Specific requirements - Part 22: Cognitive Wireless RAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications: Policies and procedures for operation in the TV Bands focuses on constructing a consistent, national fixed point-to-multipoint WRAN that will use UHF/VHF TV bands between 54 and 862 MHz. Specific TV channels as well as the guard bands of these channels are planned to be used for communication in IEEE 802.22.

The IEEE 802.22 Work Group kicked off in November 2004 and approved the functional requirement document for WRAN systems in September 2005. Ten initial proposals were merged into a single one in March 2006, and the draft standard (D0.1) was developed in May 2006.  The complete 802.22 standard is expected to be approved by May 2007.  For 802.22 WRAN systems, the primary users (PU), those with priority rights, mainly include incumbent analog and digital TV stations, TV translators, TV boosters, TV receivers, and wireless microphones.  The secondary user (SU) are the CPEs and have a requirement to avoid generating harmful interference to the PUs.

The Wi-Fi Alliance has started working on a new standard called IEEE 802.11 (White-Fi) which will be deployed for use in the TV white spaces. The IEEE 802.11af is similar to the current IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi with an added cognitive radio technology in order to be used in the white space spectrum.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Cognitive Radio

Cognitive Radio is an intelligent wireless communication system that is aware of its surrounding environment and uses the methodology of understanding-by-building to learn from the environment and adapt its internal states to statistical variations in the incoming RF stimuli by making corresponding changes in certain operating parameters in real-time. [1]

Cognitive radio is a paradigm for wireless communication in which either network or wireless node itself changes particular transmission or reception parameters to execute its tasks efficiently. This parameter alteration is based on observations of several factors from external and internal cognitive radio environment, such as radio frequency spectrum, user behavior, and network state.[2]

The driving force behind cognitive radio technology is attributed to the lack of enough radio spectrum to accommodate for the increasing need of spectrum for high data rate communication. Imagine what happens as more devices go wireless -- not just laptops, or cell phones, but sensor networks that monitor everything from temperature in office buildings to moisture in cornfields, radio frequency ID tags that track merchandise at the local supermarket, devices that monitor nursing-home patients. 

All these gadgets have to share a finite and increasingly crowded amount of radio spectrum. But as anyone who has twirled a radio dial knows, not every channel in every band is always in use. In fact, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) – the spectrum controlling body of the US – has determined that, in some locations or at some times of day, 70 percent of the allocated spectrum may be sitting idle.

Fig. 1. TV band occupancy over time and frequency at some particular instance

There are two major subsystems in a cognitive radio; a cognitive unit that makes decisions based on various inputs and a flexible software defined radio (SDR) unit whose operating software provides a range of possible operating modes. A separate spectrum sensing subsystem is also often included in the architectural of a cognitive radio to measure the signal environment to determine the presence of other services or users. It is important to note that these subsystems do not necessarily define a single piece of equipment, but may instead incorporate components that are spread across an entire network. As a result, cognitive radio is often referred to as a cognitive radio system or a cognitive network.

The cognitive unit is further separated into two parts as shown in the block diagram below. The first labeled the “cognitive engine” tries to find a solution or optimize a performance goal based on inputs received defining the radio’s current internal state and operating environment. The second engine is the “policy engine” and is used to ensure that the solution provided by the “cognitive engine” is in compliance with regulatory rules and other policies external to the radio.

Fig. 1. Cognitive radio concept architecture

References: 1. S. Haykin, “Cognitive Radio,”JSAC 2005

Friday, June 3, 2011

What is 'White Space"?

White space, in a communications context, refers to underutilized portions of the radio frequency (RF) spectrum. Large portions of the spectrum are currently unused, in particular the frequencies allocated for analog television and  those used as buffers to prevent interference between channels. In the United States, frequency allocations in the RF spectrum are made by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). In November 2008, the FCC voted unanimously to make  unlicensed portions of the spectrum available for use.  At that time, at least three-quarters of the spectrum allocated for analog television was unused. These frequencies will become available once the changeover to digital television is complete in February 2009.

White space allocation is expected to stimulate development of wireless technologies and services.  According to Google co-founder Larry Page, white space operation will be like "Wi-Fi on steroids," because the signals in that portion of the spectrum have much longer ranges than those currently used for Wi-Fi. The increase in range means that fewer base stations will be required to give better coverage; that increased efficiency, in turn, should yield better service at lower costs. Signals in the white space range can also penetrate through solid objects better, which should yield more reliable service.

Opponents of white space allocation have argued that it could lead to unexpected instances of disruptive and potentially dangerous interference between different services using the same frequencies at the same time. The FCC is testing white space devices designed to operate in the newly available frequencies to ensure that they will not cause interference. According to the FCC, wireless microphones and other low-power auxiliary stations will be able to continue to operate in bands below 700MHz.


I am currently working on my Masters degree program in Broadband Telecommunications Technology at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). As part of the program, I am following a course called Regulations and Standards for Wireless communications (0EL70). Every student have to create a blog on a topic of his/her choice in the field of wireless communications and I have chosen to write about Wireless Regional Area Network (WRAN). 

I will post information on the developments in wireless communication with respect to wireless regional area networks that are based on cognitive technologies which will be employed in the unused analog TV spectrum. I will start with introduction to the terms and technologies used, the relationships among them and the standards and regulation in place so far. As this is my first blog and I am learning bloging, I wouldn't expect it to be perfect. Everybody is welcome to comment on and contribute to the posts.