Monday, June 6, 2011

802.22 (WRAN) vs 802.16 (WiMAX)

Finally, it is important to understand the core differences between 802.22 and 802.16 (WiMAX) as confusion often arises when discussing these two IEEE projects. Since 802.22 is mostly targeted at rural and remote areas, its coverage range is considerably larger than 802.16 (see Figure 1) to allow for a good business case, and this is why 802.22 is the first standard ever for WRANs. Also, 802.16 does not include incumbent protection techniques necessary to operate in licensed bands, while it has an ongoing project (802.16h) currently concentrating on coexistence among 802.16 systems only.

Figure 1. 802.22 wireless RAN classification as compared to other
popular wireless standards

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